5 july of 2010 was the first day i step in into my workplace. Everything seems like normal for me accept the experience that i am about to get here. after a week i found that this job is damn hard. my toes started to feel in pain, i always slept early (something that is very difficult for me to do so before) and i lost a few kg. Well, get into the second week its all become normal and i started to coop everything very nicely.
third week is the pressure is all there, when they started to do the stock take. everything need to be done, all the data entries, the returns book and mags. all over the store become so chaos and not arrange well. i cannot do much because its just my third week and i need to get everything done even though i am new.
but the only thing i really dont want to take as my duty is when they asked me to hold the store and safety box keys. i dont know how much is really are inside it, i dont know the risk if i lost the key and i dont know how big is my responsibilities on that. its become too much for me because i am just a supervisor, not the Management level employee.
starting at that point, i started to feel scared if i start to do mistakes such as miss counting, did not open the shop properly or vice versa. then i keep doing things by checking everything double or even triple check which cost me become very slow.
i just hope some one will come to take the responsibilities and just let me do mine. at least i did not feel any bad feeling. the worst thing is i dont want my insomnia back because keep thingking about my "not" responsibilities duty.
perfectly work to do under it is closing part, the scariest ever for me. it involve a huge amount of money, especially weekend. just pray somebody in Management level will in and stay longer.
i am sick to hear some one in just for couple of week and quit.
the place is nice, the environment is ok, but the management is quite mess up. things need to be done properly, only then all the things in that place can become more efficient and manageable.
by letting all the newbies like me and my other colleague to handle it, i think its their biggest mistake. much more experience team should be located there rather than just let us handle it by ourselves. me, 1 month, nisa going 3, fiza 4, hafiz 3 weeks, and chooi ling about to quit. so left us at the busiest outlet with pack of arrogant community and bloody hell fucking shit people there.
p/s: the only thing make me feel good every day i go to work is can get a nice f&b from the huckleberry cafe.